Private & Small-Group Tours in Spain

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Malaga to Cordoba

Full-day Cordoba

Price: 99 Euros per person

In our small-group shore excursion

  • Pickup and drop-off directly from port
  • See all the highlights of Cordoba
  • Enjoy optional fast-track admission to the Mezequita (extra)
  • 100% on-time return to cruise ship
  • No-charge if cruise ship does not dock at port
  • Quality excursion in a small-group

We also offer private tours (any group size)

Malaga to Cordoba Shore Excursion

During its hugely prosperous and successful Moorish era (766-1031), Cordoba was a great cultural, political, financial and literary center.  It is currently the city with the most UNESCO heritage sites in the world.  Cordoba is best known as being home to one of Andalucia’s three great monuments: the Mezquita (a mosque with a cathedral inside).  Cordoba is arguably the most underrated city in Spain, and offers much more than we can cover in one day, but we will offer you the most important highlights.

On a typical Malaga to Cordoba shore excursion, you can expect to visit:

  • Guadalquivir River & Molinos
  • The Alcazar (exterior visit if time permits only)
  • The Roman Bridge
  • The doorway to the Bridge
  • The Mezquita (interior visit with fast-track admission)
  • The Synagogue (exterior visit)
  • The Jewish Quarter
  • Calle Las Flores

* The Mezquita is a working Cathedral and has limited opening times on Sundays and public holidays.  Admission is subject to situation on the day of travel only and cannot be guaranteed

** During Semana Santa (Easter) and Christmas season, there is limited accessibility

*** The Synagogue is closed on Mondays

Please join us for a fantastic shore excursion.  To find about availability please use the short form below – thank you!

Contact us now – no payment needed

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  • Cruise ship name

  • Your country

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